Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tea Sales Do You Know What The Product Sales Mix Of A Coffee Shop Is?

Do you know what the product sales mix of a coffee shop is? - tea sales

I am looking for information about the variety of products (60% of sales 10% of the sales are to be coffee tea, 15% of its sales of cold drinks, 15% of food and so on. Or, as exactly what is achieved can be. will, I am also in small sizes, face to face, medium and large drinks, which sizes the volume of beverage purchases.


Chuck P said...

The numbers are random search by region and customer base. If you are in Arizona, cold drinks sold in Colorado and if you are near the University of sandwiches will sell faster than if you are in a shopping mall. Hope this helps.

Froggie S said...

oh yes, it is quite

I think the Irish Coffee is at the top of the list * hic *

, 0p

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