Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pokemon Ash Y Dawn Doujin Y Doesnt Ash Die From All The Thunder And Stuff From Other Pokemon.?

Y doesnt ash die from all the thunder and stuff from other pokemon.? - pokemon ash y dawn doujin

Pokemon ash should be moved to kill instantly lethal. Pikachu thunder at him and did nothing but delay. Therefore, the needs of accualy struggles. No cheating than ash does. After the leader of the fitness studio to lose intentionally. If the team would like Pikachu and Team Rocket not rocket ashes and kill Pikachu. Ask your aubvous.

Do u agree or disagree


xXxmIkEx... said...

I agree ... i love Team Rocket soooo much! You're right, kill becuz must Ashes to ashes, is Corny ...

xXxmIkEx... said...

I agree ... i love Team Rocket soooo much! You're right, kill becuz must Ashes to ashes, is Corny ...

sam said...

Killing someone is a crime of theft, much more serious and Team Rocket are trying to avoid more time in prison. What Pikachu, I do not believe that the same amount of voltage shock Ash as their enemies. It uses the same voltage as the Taser to temporarily Ash-ray bursts, and full of tension in the fight.

caitie said...

Those who finished the series before.

blister said...

I remember, he turns into steel, then the sadness of the ashes once again the normal pokemon
If you do not like you do not re-2 steel Mew2 mew

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